So, this week I sent my youngest of two daughter’s off to middle school. My oldest started her sophomore year of high school and drove herself. You can’t keep them little forever! They must grow up and spread their wings. They are ready! Me…..not so much. Some people probably think I’m crazy to get emotional about it. But, I’ve spent the last ten years dropping a kid off and picking them up at elementary school. TEN YEARS!! And, I’ve done a pretty good job of savoring the special moments, taking pictures, going to school events, and somehow staying half sane. There are many things about elementary school that I will miss. This is my tribute.
We had a first day of elementary school routine: get into that special first day outfit, take
lots of pictures, eat a special breakfast, walk their nervous little feet to
the classroom, put supplies away, take a picture with the teacher, and wave
goodbye. Even though I may have been running on little
sleep and hurrying off to work, I will miss that. I will miss the smell of new crayons, their
backpack being as big as they are, and the nervous feeling of leaving
them. Now, they are more independent. They don’t need me as much to prepare them
for the first day. Don’t get me wrong, I
still take lots of pictures and enjoy shopping for school supplies. But, they are spreading their wings more and
more each year.
Mom Village
This is a big one!!!! You know the saying “it takes a village”? Well, it sure does. I have called upon my “mom village” (moms of
my kid’s friends) for rides to school, saving seats at concerts, party
planning, frantic texts about what shirt they are supposed to wear for spirit
day, and much much more. I don't have pictures of them, because we were always in the background focusing on the kids. But, these moms were my backup and kept me from
totally losing my sanity. Keep in mind,
it was half gone already from all of the things you have to remember as an elementary
mom. They have just kept me from being
totally off my rocker! Now, once your kids are off to middle school,
it is a whole new ballgame. New parents
and kids to get used to. Losing that “mom village” that was so close in the
younger years can be tough. You feel
like you are starting all over again.
The kids are more independent and don’t need you around at as many
events. You have a casual wave from a distance with the
once close mom friends as you run to the next activity. If you are
lucky, you are able to keep a few of them around to share the new experiences with. To all of you
moms that have been there through the years….THANK YOU!! I hope you all know how special you are and that I have enjoyed every laugh, playdate, pat on the back, and sanity check.
I’m one of those moms that would sign up to go on any of the
field trips. Granted, the thought of
herding kids through a museum or zoo can be quite overwhelming. But, the look on your kid’s face that you
took the time to be there is priceless. Our kids get one field trip per year. It is something that they look forward to and
get to spend the day away from school.
Of course, some are very educational and some are just plain fun. My favorite of all of them was always the
first grade zoo trip. Maybe because it
was the first field trip of their young lives.
But, it was a trip that always made me feel young at heart too.
Okay, these are my favorite events of the year! As most of you know, I love to plan parties,
make treats, and take pictures of every moment.
I loved our first party of each year…Halloween. Seeing the kids dressed up in costume and showing
off is a highlight of the fall. You
know, when you actually had a little bit of a say in their costume choice. Or, they actually wanted to dress up. The older they get, the less exciting it is. The Christmas party was a springboard into
Christmas break. This was probably the
craziest party because the kids were just ready to be out of school. But, they would still get excited about
decorated cookies, silly games, and wearing Santa hats. The last party of the year would always come
too soon for Valentine’s Day. The
awkwardness of passing out a Valentine to each classmate was usually subsided
by the enjoyment of a party. The smiles were endless and sugar highs were too!
Let’s be truthful, spirit week (a different celebration each
day…hat day, sporty day, pajama day, etc…) was fun until I had two kids in the
same school and I had to run around finding them hats to wear, certain color
shirt that is probably in the laundry, or fixing hair for crazy hair day. Have you seen the amount of hair that is in
my house!! Three girls with lots of hair can send anyone over the edge. I always
felt a huge sense of accomplishment when we had a successful spirit week. As much as it drove me crazy, I will still
miss it. The kids love it and it gives
them something to look forward to each day.
I may be tired from staying up half the night doing last minute laundry
for polka dot day, sports day, career day, etc…but it was all worth it.
Going to eat lunch with my kids was always a special
treat. Each one had their favorite food,
drink, and special treat that I would bring them. It was such a nice break in the work day to
see their happy little faces. Even
though it was less than 30 minutes with them, it was always something that they
looked forward to. The clanging of lunch
room trays, loudness of kids chatting, and craziness of the day just seemed to
fade away. This was MY time with my
kiddo to freeze time and eat together.
So, if you get the chance to take your kids lunch at school….do
Field Day just takes me back to when I was a kid. Granted, it's a little different now. No ribbons and prizes, but such a fun way to end the year. The kids look forward to a day outside. The parents pray for good weather and bring along water bottles, sunscreen, the energy to follow the kids around all day. I loved watching my girls grin ear to ear with each station. The class would truly come together for this one day and compete as a team in the tug-of-war. The field would be scattered with cones, soccer balls, and equipment. Our PE teacher yelling out instructions over the megaphone. And once the day was over the field would clear, worn out kids go home, and the memories are forever captured in pictures. Thanks to this fun day, I have some great scrapbooking material. So, take it all in, watch their little faces light up, and soak up the fun!
Teachers and Staff
Last, but not least, the teachers and staff at our elementary
school all deserve awards. There is no way I could properly post pictures of all of them. I know there
is only one “Teacher of the Year”, but they are all saints. To be a teacher, leader, counselor, mentor,
and caregiver to each situation every day is amazing. I appreciate those that go out of their way to
notice when my kid isn’t feeling or acting quite right and let me know. Or, calm me down about a situation that I’ve
never been through before. Too all of
the teachers that have influenced my kids through the years…THANK YOU!! This includes the before and after care
program at the school. I would have been
lost without it. Having the peace of
mind each day that my kid was taken care while I was at work was a load off my shoulders.
Not having a drop off or pick up each day at the school will be
tough. So, don’t mind me if you see me
aimlessly driving through the car loop.
I’ve just temporarily lost my mind and will find it eventually.
These are just a few of the things that I'm going to miss about elementary school. I'm looking forward to this next stage of life with my kids. Each year brings a new set of experiences. So, if your kids are just starting elementary school, or are in their last years…stop and smell the crayons!! Take the time to enjoy this stage. Make the friends, share the experiences, thank the teachers and staff, spend time at the school, and photograph everything even if it embarrasses your kids. They will appreciate it later. And give yourself a pat on the back for surviving each year. You deserve it!!