
Teacher Wallet Gift

Gosh, I can't believe it is already the end of the school year.  My girls are finishing 4th grade and Kindergarten.  I don't know about you, but this year has gone by way too fast.  I think back about all of the fun events, parties, and projects that they have had.  The teachers have been amazing and truly made this year so special for each of my girls.  To thank them I came up with this fun gift....a wallet showing them how "priceless" they really are.

Now, I've heard that there are superstitions about giving an empty wallet.  So, I found the following wording and put it on the inside of the wallet along with a gift card.  Just a fun extra touch.

Supplies needed:
outside thank you tag
inside superstitions tag
money or gift card
ribbon or tulle

1.  Put the money or gift card along with the superstitions inside the wallet.
2.  Close the wallet and tie the thank you tag around the outside with ribbon or tulle.
3.  Give to your teacher and watch their eyes light up.

I also did one for my daughter's Girl Scout troop leaders.

Please stop on over to say hi!!

Thanks ~ Nichi

I like linking my posts to THESE GREAT PARTIES!!!!


  1. This is such a cute idea! We gave gift cards this year but I didn't find the time to make the packaging cute at all. Always next year I guess.

  2. Clever idea! Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty :)


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